Monday, October 7, 2013

Jaguar House Storyboards and Statue Designs

Below are a couple of ideas for the Jaguar House, the final level of the game. The first image is taken from an actual sarcophagus from Mayan ruins. The slab slides back into the wall and reveals a staircase.
Ixtab is the Mayan goddess of suicide. Ancient Mayan literature tells us that Ixtab lures men into the forest where they meet their doom. In the Jaguar House, the player will have to watch out for engravings of Ixtab in a forest of pillars. If they pass between two pillars marked with Ixtab's image, they suffer instant death.

Below are concepts for various game objects that will appear in the Jaguar House. The player must find bones hidden throughout the level and return them to the mouths of the Jaguars. The last image is of a statue which raises out of the ground revealing a down staircase or an item like a bone.

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